Monday, June 30, 2014

Exterior Windows of Hundisburg Folly

Limestones from a building that previously existed on the Castle Hundisburg property. The stones were worked to obtain an that is 120 cm high by 90 cm wide.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Finished Brownstones for Interior Door

Six finished brownstones that will be used to construct the interior door of the folly. Each stone measures 46 cm L x 20 cm W x 25 cm H.

Site of Hundisburg Folly

Presenting drawings at the site of the folly.

News Coverage of Hundisburg Folly

Sam Friedman, Dean Emeritus Warren, and I present our drawings for the Hundisburg Folly to German news journalists.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Brownstone Interior Door

The interior door of the Hundisburg Folly will be constructed with brownstone.  Each stone will be cut and worked to a height of 25 cm.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Castle Hundisburg Plaster Work

Amazing ornamental plaster work found at Castle Hundisburg.

Half-Timbered Houses

View of an alley in Quedlinburg, Germany that is filled with traditional half-timbered houses.

Exterior Windows of Hundisburg Folly

Two exterior windows that are comprised of sections of limestone that have been worked to fit together. These window sections will be stored until installed at a later date.

Exterior Door of Hundisburg Folly

This door was created by working several sections of both lime and sandstones to fit together like puzzle pieces.  When installed, the door will be 2 m wide and have an opening of 90 cm.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Garden in Quedlinburg, Germany

Garden in the courtyard of a castle in Quedlinburg, Germany

Ancient Stone Ruins

This ancient stone watchtower is located in a park outside of Hundisburg, Germany

Proposed Drawing of Folly Interior

Proposed design for Hundisburg Folly. The inside will be rendered, while the exterior will consist of exposed stone.

Proposed Drawing of Hundisburg Folly

This is the proposed drawing of the traditional side of a folly that is being created at Hundisurg Castle.