

     Mortar is the bonding agent that holds masonry units together.  One key characteristic of mortar is its high compressive strength, which gives it good load –bearing qualities.  If the mortar is to be effective, it must be durable, form a strong bond between masonry units, and resist moisture penetration.  Moisture penetration is mortar’s worst enemy.  Another important factor when considering which type of mortar to use is its strength.  Stronger mortar is not always the best choice.  The strength must meet the requirements of the job and fit the needs of the masonry units.  When the bond between the mortar and masonry unit is too strong, stress will be relieved through the masonry unit rather than the mortar joints.  This will lead to cracks and accelerated deterioration of the masonry units (Kreh).

 Lime Mortar: the ingredients needed for lime mortar are as follow: sand, hydrated lime and water.  A good all around mortar ratio is 1 to 2 and one –half.  This means that two and one –half units of sand will be added for every one unit of hydrate lime.  Hydrated lime derived from the slaking of quicklime. The result is a dry powder that only needs water added and a soaking period in order to be used.  When mixing mortar, it is essential to use the same measuring device for both so that equal proportions are obtained.  After the lime and sand are dry mixed, water is added until the desired workability is reached.  Lime mortars can be reconstituted by adding water if drying occurs.

Natural Cements: these are cements that are derived from naturally sedimentary rocks such as gypsum and limestone (Van Den Branden and Hartsell 88-97).  The production of natural cement begins with the calcination, or burning, of the crushed rock in kilns.  The clinker is then ground and processed to form the cementitious material (Kreh and Van Den Braden –Hartsell).  These products can then be combined with water to form natural cement.  An aggregate is often used in the mixture process as well, but the amount varies depending on the application.

Modern Cement: the most common type is Portland cement.  Portland cement was discovered by Joseph Aspdin in 1824.  Aspdin was an English stonemason who was trying to find a way to produce mortar that hardened when water was added.  The resulting cement was named portland because it was very similar to the natural stone found on the Isle of Portland (Kreh 114).  Portland cement –hydrated lime mortars contain a mixture of Portland cement, hydrated lime, sand, and water.  The compressive strength is one of the best attributes, but because of this, it is very important to know the strength required for each job.  Masonry mortar containing Portland cement is very different from Portland cement concrete (Kreh 114).  The charts provided explain the differences and ratios of each.

Portland Cemen
  (Chart content comes from Kreh 114-115)
Type I

General –purpose cement that is used in pavements, sidewalks, reinforced concrete bridge culverts, and masonry cement.

Type II (Modified Portland Cement)

Hydrated at a lower temperature and generates heat at a lower rate than Type I.  Usually used for large piers, heavy abutments, and retaining walls.

 Type III (High –early strength Portland)

 Achieves full strength much faster than Type I.  Type III reaches full strength in 1 to 3 days, and is often required for jobs when freezing is expected.
 Type IV (Low –heat Portland)
 Type IV cures and gains strength slowly.  Used for dams, bridges, or areas that large amounts of concrete are needed.
 Type V (Sulfate –resistant Portland Cement)
 Type V is intended to be used only in conditions where the cement is exposed to high sulfate action.  This cement also reaches full strength slower than normal Portland cements.


Portland Cement –Hydrated Lime Mortars

 Type M: has a greater compressive strength and more durable than other types.  It is used for masonry that is below ground and of lower grade such as foundations, retaining walls, and manholes.  Type M is high frost resistant qualities and can withstand pressure forced up from the ground. 2500 psi.

Type N: most often used mortar type.  Type N has medium –strength and good for use above grade masonry that is exposed and requires high compressive strength for lateral loads.  Prebagged cement mortars are similar to Type N and are used on chimneys, parapet walls, and exposed exterior walls. 750 psi.

Type S: reinforced and standard masonry that requires flexural strength. 1800 psi

Type O: low strength mortar used on non load-bearing interior walls.  It can be used as a load-bearing mortar when constructing a solid masonry wall that is not to experience severe weather or carry extreme loads. 350 psi. (Kreh 121-22).

Chart content found in Kreh’s Masonry Skills on page 123.

Mortar Type

Parts by Volume of Portland Cement

Parts by Volume of Hydrated Lime

Sand, Measured in a Damp, Loose Condition




Not less than 2 -1/4 and not more than 3 times the sum of the volumes of cement and lime used.




Not less than 2 -1/4 and not more than 3 times the sum of the volumes of cement and lime used.




Not less than 2-1/4 and not more than 3 times the sum of the volumes of cement and lime used.




Not less than 2 -1/4 and not more than 3 times the sum of the volumes of cement and lime used.

Mixing Mortar

            Mixing mortar by hand is a common practice on the job site when a large amount of mortar is not needed.  The first step in mixing mortar is gathering all of the ingredients (usually Portland cement, lime, sand and water) needed so that they are readily available.  The most efficient method to manually mix mortar is in a mortar box.  If a wheeled cart is available, place the box on top of it to ease the transportation of the mortar once it is mixed.
            Once all of the preparation work is completed, spread the required amount of sand evenly into the mortar box.  Depending on whether a Portland cement –lime mortar or a simple lime mortar is being made, spread the needed amount of the binding material evenly over the sand.  A hoe is then used to dry blend the mortar mix until it is of a uniform consistency.  An even mix is generally indicated by have one consistent color in the mortar box.  The most effective and efficient method of using the hoe is by taking short, choppy strokes to pull the mix from one side of the box the other.
            After dry mixing the mortar, the mixture is pulled to one end of the mortar box to form a pile.  This creates a space to add water.  If possible, use the same measuring device that was used for the aggregate and binding material to add the water to the mixture.  The amount of water need depends on the materials being used and the consistency best suited for the job.  It is always better to add water slowly to avoid drowning the mortar.  The process used for dry mixing is also used to blend the water into the mixture.
            A simple test to determine if the mortar is mixed well is using a trowel to pick up a small amount of mortar.  If the mortar sticks to the trowel blade when turned upside down, it shows that the mortar has good workability, adhesiveness and is ready for use.  Fat mortar is indicated by having too much binding material in the mixture.  The mortar will cling to the trowel and is not easily worked by the mason.  Lean mortar on the other hand, is mortar lacking enough binding material and will not adhere to the trowel or masonry unit.

Van Den Branden, F.  and Hartsell, Thomas, L.  Plastering Skills.  IL: American Technical Publishers, Inc,  
            1983.  Print. 
Kreh, Richard T.  Masonry Skills 5th Edition.  NY: Delmar Learning, a division of Thompson   
            Learning, Inc, 2003.  Print.

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